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Welcome, I'm Curtis Smith

Greetings! My name is Curtis Smith, and I want to extend a warm welcome to you. As a mindfulness coach, speaker, and consultant, my ultimate goal is to help you achieve a greater sense of peace and well-being in your life.

What I do

As a mindfulness coach, my role is to guide individuals in becoming more aware of the present moment. By focusing on the here and now, we can develop a deeper understanding of our thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. Through various techniques and practices, I assist individuals in cultivating mindfulness, which in turn can enhance their overall well-being and quality of life.
As a speaker, I have the privilege of sharing my knowledge and insights on mindfulness with larger audiences. Whether it's through workshops, conferences, or corporate events, I seek to inspire and educate individuals about the transformative power of mindfulness.
Lastly, as a consultant, I work with individuals and organizations to implement mindfulness practices in their daily lives or work environments. I provide tailored guidance and support, helping them foster a culture that prioritizes well-being, focus, and resilience.

My mission

My mission is simple yet profound: to make mindfulness accessible to everyone. In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in mindless routines and distractions. I firmly believe that by learning to be present and cultivating a mindful approach to life, we can unlock our full potential and lead more fulfilling, authentic lives.

I invite you to explore the resources on this website, which will provide you with guided practices, lessons, tools, techniques, and insights to embark on your mindfulness journey. Whether you're a beginner or have already incorporated mindfulness into your life, there's something here for everyone.

Thank you for joining me on this adventure towards greater self-awareness and inner peace. Together, let's explore the transformative power of mindfulness and create a more mindful world.

With warm regards,
Curtis Smith



Transforming Workplace and School Culture with Mindfulness

Mindfulness has become more than just a buzzword; it has emerged as a powerful tool that can transform workplace and school cultures. By integrating mindfulness practices into these environments, we can create spaces that foster well-being, enhance productivity, and cultivate a sense of connection and empathy among individuals.

Cultivating Present-Moment Awareness

Mindfulness invites us to be fully present in the here and now, opening ourselves up to the richness of each moment. In a fast-paced workplace or school setting, it's easy to get caught up in the pressures, distractions, and demands. However, by intentionally pausing and bringing our attention to the present moment, we can help individuals develop a heightened awareness of their thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations.
By incorporating mindfulness practices such as mindful breathing exercises, body scans, or guided meditations into daily routines, individuals can cultivate a sense of calm and focus. As practitioners strengthen their ability to anchor themselves in the present moment, they become better equipped to handle stress, make informed decisions, and engage in effective communication.

Developing Emotional Intelligence

One of the greatest benefits of mindfulness is the development of emotional intelligence – the capacity to recognize, understand, and manage one's own emotions, as well as empathize with others. Integrating mindfulness practices into the workplace and school environments creates opportunities for individuals to cultivate self-awareness and emotional regulation skills.
By encouraging individuals to regularly check in with their emotions and tune into the emotions of others, mindfulness helps foster compassion and empathy. Employees and students who are attuned to their emotions and those of their colleagues or peers are more likely to create supportive and inclusive environments.

Enhancing Relationships and Communication

Mindfulness serves as an antidote to the fast-paced, multitasking nature of modern workplaces and schools. By practicing mindful listening and non-judgmental communication, individuals can foster healthier and more constructive relationships.
In a mindful workplace or school, individuals are encouraged to truly listen to one another without interruptions, judgments, or preconceived notions. This deep listening fosters an environment of trust, respect, and collaboration, enabling teams to work more cohesively and students to engage in meaningful dialogues.

Encouraging Self-Care and Stress Reduction

Stress is a prevalent issue in both workplaces and schools. Mindfulness offers individuals a range of tools to manage stress

I am so grateful and thankful I got to be a part of this workshop. To see someone who looks like you and has the knowledge and skills to help you be better, it’s like Nirvana.
— Participant at Heal Haus’ MOM for Men Workshop

Clients & Partnerships 


I use practical and evidence-based mindfulness tools, movement, and music to create transformation.